Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
786272 Max Weber Stiftung
127561 Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht 0044-2348 Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften (Allemagne)
129848 Amazoniana 0065-6755 Max-Planck-Institut für Limnologie. Abteilung Tropenökologie
18476 Rabels Zeitschrift fur Auslandisches und Internationales Privatrecht 0033-7250 Max-planck-institut
128139 L'encyclopédie philosophique 2606-6661 Maxime Kristanek
141802 Plume de Naturalistes 2607-0510 Maxime LEUCHTMANN
891514 Ornamental Plant Research e-ISSN: 2769-2094 2769-2094 Maximum Academic Press
129318 British Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology 2044-2459 Maxwell Science
178266 Maydan: rivista sui mondi arabi, semitici e islamici Maydan
176277 Open Journal of Astrophysics 2565-6120 Maynooth University
90672 Archivium Hibernicum 0044-8745 Maynooth: Catholic Record Society
7007 Mayo Clinic Health Letter 0741-6245 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research
162682 Mazowsze Studia Regionalne 1689-4774 Mazowieckie Biuro Planowania Regionalnego w Warszawie
102397 Maîtrise orthopédique 1148-2362 Maîtrise orthopédique
7009 McCall's (Los Angeles, Calif. : 1921) 0024-8908 McCall's
169122 Clues: A Journal of Detection 0742-4248 McFarland
104952 Minerva Journal of Women and War 0736-718X McFarland & Co
2922 American Poetry 0737-3635 McFarland & Company, Inc
38409 Base Ball : A Journal of the Early Game 1934-2802 McFarland & Company, Inc
40069 North Korean Review 1551-2789 McFarland & Company, Inc
7010 Mcgeorge Law Review 1520-9245 McGeorge School of Law; 1999
147195 Osler Newsletter McGill
684558 Seismica 2816-9387 McGill
166642 McGill International Journal of Sustainable Development Law and Policy / Revue internationale de droit et politique du développement durable de McGill 1712-9664 McGill University. Faculty of Law (Montreal, Canada) [2005-2016]
569829 McGill Journal of Sustainable Development Law / Revue de droit du développement durable de McGill 2561-0589 McGill University. Faculty of Law (Montreal, Canada) [2017-....]
177992 ARCHITECTURAL RECORD 0003-858X McGraw Hill
7281 Nation's Schools & Colleges 0095-3326 McGraw Hill
38196 Aerospace Daily 0193-4546 McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Inc
38495 Business Aviation 0509-9528 McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Inc
38854 Electric Utility Week 0736-413X McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Inc
39338 Inside FERC 0163-948X McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Inc
39339 Inside FERC's Gas Market Report 8756-3711 McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Inc
39340 Inside NRC McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Inc
40077 NuclearFuel McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Inc
40078 Nucleonics Week 0048-105X McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Inc
3098 Architectural Record 0003-858X McGraw-Hill
3328 Aviation week and space technology 0005-2175 McGraw-Hill
3674 Business Week -New York 0007-7135 McGraw-Hill
3638 Business and Commercial Aviation 0191-4642 McGraw-Hill
3999 College and University Business 0010-0900 McGraw-Hill
4332 Data Communications -New York 0363-6399 McGraw-Hill
4646 Enr -New York 0891-9526 McGraw-Hill
7185 Modern Plastics 0026-8275 McGraw-Hill
7795 Physician and Sports Medicine 0091-3847 McGraw-Hill
1980 Postgraduate Medicine 0032-5481 McGraw-Hill
7838 Platts Energy Business & Technology 1540-367X McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc
9421 Yearbook (American Council on Industrial Arts Teacher Education) 0084-6333 McKnight Publishing Co
9424 Yearbook (Council on Technology Teacher Education) 1048-4779 McMillan/McGraw-Hill, Glencoe Division
33101 Sustain' magazine Mcclelland Publishing Ltd
6188 Journal of Information Ethics 1061-9321 Mcfarland & Company, Inc